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名毅机械以回报、发展、责任为核心理念,以同创伟业、共享未来为员工共同的价值导向,以创世界品牌、建中国百强企业为目标,努力建设一个"现代的"、"科技的"、"品牌的"、"国际的"、"人性的"企业,今天的名毅机械公司员工奉行进取 求实 严谨 团结的方针,不断开拓创新,以技术为核心、视质量为生命、奉用户为上帝,竭诚为您提供性价比的产品及无微不至的售后服务。

MingYi Machinery Factory were located at key production base of stainless steel in China Foshan. Our company main production of stainless steel embossing machine, stainless steel rib machine, plane machine, cone machine and a variety of stainless steel processing machinery. With a high-quality products, good quality service reputation, after many years of development, the product has been selling more than 30 provinces and cities nationwide almost.

MingYi machinery were to "return, development, and responsibility" as the core concept of "create great to share the future" for their employees the value of a common orientation, in order to "create a world-class brand, built hundred Chinese enterprises" as the goal, to build a "modern", "technology" and "brand" and "international", "human nature" enterprises. MingYi machinery of today's employees adhere to the "rigorous and realistic progressive unity" and keep on exploring and innovating technology as the core, depending on the quality of life, from the user to God, dedicated to provide you with the highest cost-effective products and meticulous after-sales service.

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